Ranger Kevlar CanoesNew Hampshire Quality Kevlar® Hybrid Canoe Manufacturer, buy factory direct, lightweight custom built Kevlar® hybrid touring canoes, NH canoes for sale right from the builder.

We believe Ranger Canoes to be one of the finest quality Kevlar® hybrid canoes available today.

While many canoe manufacturers will tell you that their canoes are the best in workmanship and materials, we at Ranger Canoe feel that there are many canoes of inferior quality on the market today. So... before we tell you about our high quality and expert workmanship, we would like to tell you how to recognize a quality Kevlar® hybrid canoe for yourself. Read how to recognize a quality canoe here. Buy direct from the shop for only $1999.99  and save $500-$600 off regular Dealer MSRP is 2599.99. Plus, there is no sales tax in New Hampshire!!

A quality you can feel every time you paddle a Ranger!

Please Read Owner Reviews  Posted ON Paddling.Net

Ranger Canoe, Inc.
36 River Street, Ashland, NH 03217
Phone: 603 968-7022

New hampshire canoes